Introducing the new Vetama practice in South Salem, Oregon!

Are you tired of the hassle of taking your pet to the vet clinic for routine check-ups or minor medical procedures? Then you might want to consider the new Vetama mobile veterinary practice in South Salem, Oregon, owned by Dr. Kasey Joynt. This innovative approach to veterinary medicine offers numerous benefits for pet owners who value convenience, flexibility, and personalized care.

What is mobile veterinary medicine?

Mobile veterinary medicine is a relatively new concept that aims to bring high-quality veterinary care directly to the pets and their owners. Instead of having to travel to a stationary clinic, pet owners can schedule an appointment with a licensed veterinarian who will come to their home or workplace. Mobile veterinary practices typically offer a wide range of services, including wellness exams, vaccinations, diagnostics, and minor surgeries, as well as end-of-life care and euthanasia.

Benefits of mobile veterinary medicine

Convenience: One of the most significant advantages of mobile veterinary medicine is convenience. With a mobile vet, you don't have to worry about transportation or waiting in a crowded waiting room with other pets. You can schedule an appointment at a time that works best for you, and the vet will come to your location.

Personalized care: Another advantage of mobile veterinary medicine is personalized care. The veterinarian will have the opportunity to get to know your pet and their environment, which can help them identify potential health issues or behavioral concerns that may go unnoticed in a clinic setting. Mobile vets can also provide more one-on-one attention, which can help ease anxiety and stress in pets.

Reduced stress for pets: For many pets, visiting the vet can be a stressful and anxiety-inducing experience. By bringing veterinary care to the pet's home, mobile vets can help reduce the stress associated with unfamiliar surroundings and other animals. This can make the experience less traumatic for both pets and their owners.

Flexible scheduling: Mobile veterinary practices typically offer more flexible scheduling options than traditional clinics. This can be especially helpful for busy pet owners who have a hard time fitting appointments into their schedules.
High-quality care: Just like traditional veterinary clinics, mobile vets are licensed and trained professionals who provide high-quality veterinary care. They have the necessary equipment and medications to diagnose and treat a wide range of health issues in pets.

About Vetama mobile veterinary practice

Vetama South Salem is owned and operated by Dr. Kasey Joynt, a licensed veterinarian with a passion for providing personalized, compassionate care to pets and their owners. Dr. Joynt offers a wide range of veterinary services, including wellness exams, vaccinations, diagnostics, and surgeries, as well as end-of-life care and euthanasia. With a focus on preventive medicine, Dr. Joynt aims to help pets live long, healthy lives while keeping their owners informed and involved in their care.


Mobile veterinary medicine is an excellent option for pet owners who value convenience, flexibility, and personalized care. With Vetama South Salem, pet owners can enjoy all the benefits of mobile veterinary medicine while working with a compassionate, skilled veterinarian who puts their pet's health and well-being first.

Book your appointment in South Salem with Dr. Joynt today!

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